Remote Health Monitoring
Timely detect and warning of abnormal signs
24/7 Remote Health Monitoring Platform
Connected more than 40+ health devices on the market
OCR: automatically identify health indicators on 50+ specialized devices
The technology platform that automatically collects health data from wearable and specialized devices to help our partners improve service efficiency.
Operation Model
Basic Features
Monitor health data 24/7
Connect a variety of devices
Connect with doctors
Share health data for relatives, doctors
Data collection from existing devices by taking photos (OCR technology)
Automatic alert (app, SMS, callbot) when there are abnormal signs
Assist relatives to install, configure and monitor health remotely
Share location/GPS for relatives, doctors
Fall detection
Automatically analyze health data
Advanced Features
Anticipate complications before they happen
Support data-based diagnosis
Home health care management
Recognize prescriptions and remind schedules
Health analysis and advice for each user
Provide specialized treatment for each user
Solutions for each specific disease
Connect services to support the comprehensive healthcare platform
Senior house & Nursing home
Family Doctor
Telemedicine, E-Health
Drugstore, Pharmacy
Hospital, Clinic
Food - Nutrition
Connect to provide comprehensive service
Monitor and alert